Thank you flowers

Express heartfelt appreciation with our Thank you section at Featuring an exquisite selection of bouquets, each arrangement is designed to convey your sincere thanks. From elegant roses and fragrant lilies to vibrant tulips and charming mixed flowers, our bouquets are crafted to show your gratitude beautifully. Perfect for any gesture of thanks, these flowers speak volumes, turning appreciation into a blooming display of thoughtful elegance.

Showing 1 to 17 of 17 (1 Pages)
Basket of seasonal flowers


Basket of seasonal flowers


Basket of seasonal flowers * In the photo there is a basket of seasonal flowers 40 cm. Original basket of seasonal flowers. Keeps a good look for a long time. No vase needed. Embrace the beau..

Best day basket

Best day basket


*In the photo Best day basket of 30 cm. Bright and stylish basket of colorful daisies and other seasonal flowers. Experience the best of every day with our charming basket of seasonal flowers ..

Bouquet 101 roses Bouquet 101 roses


Bouquet 101 roses



Bouquet 101 roses is a bright and extraordinary gift that speaks volumes about your love. Prepare to make an unforgettable statement with our breathtaking bouquet of 101 roses! Exuding opulence a..

Bouquet Love You


Bouquet Love You


Bouquet «Love You» This bouquet consists of pink roses, bright daisies, spray roses, sunny gerbera and exotic alstroemerias. Mini - 10 roses, 5 alstroemerias, 5 gerberas, 5 spray ro..

Bouquet of red roses Bouquet of red roses

Bouquet of red roses




Bouquet of red roses. Discover timeless romance with our bouquet of red roses from Each rose, handpicked for its rich color and velvety petals, exudes passion and elegance. This ..

Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria


Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria


Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria Please select the number of flowers in the options. Indulge in the delicate beauty of alstroemerias with our enchanting bouquet! Each stem boasts vibrant hues and i..

Bouquet Passion

Bouquet Passion


This bouquet consists of red roses and exotic alstroemeria. Mini - 12 roses, 5 alstroemeria, decoration, bow. Midi - 18 roses, 9 alstroemeria, decoration, bow. Maxi (as in the photo) - 30 ro..

Bouquet Summer


Bouquet Summer


Bouquet Summer Bouquet of daisies, exotic alstroemeria and fresh roses Mini - 5 roses, 5 alstroemeria, 5 daisies, decoration, bow. Midi - 10 roses, 10 alstroemeria, 10 daisies, decoration, bo..

Daisies in a basket


Daisies in a basket


*In the photo daisies in a basket of 30 cm. Embrace the simple beauty of daisies in a basket. Each delicate bloom radiates joy and innocence, creating a charming display that brightens any space. P..

Flowers and bear


Flowers and bear


Flowers and bear *In the photo flowers and bear of 30 cm...

Flowers and macaroon cookies in a box

Flowers and macaroon cookies in a box


Flowers and macaroon cookies  in a wooden box. Delicate macaroon cookies surrounded by fragrant flowers in a wooden box. Mini - 8 macaroons + flowers, Midi - 12 macaroons + flowers...

Fruitful Gourmet Gift Basket

Fruitful Gourmet Gift Basket


Fruitful Gourmet Gift Basket   midi - 3 kilograms of fruit maxi - 5 kilograms of fruit Savor the freshness of nature with our luscious fruit basket. Overflowing with ripe, juicy de..





A bouquet of happiness does not need a vase Diameter 25 cm A beautiful bouquet that embodies the summer freshness and beauty of nature...

Marmalade clouds

Marmalade clouds


This bouquet consists of bright roses, fragrant bush roses, juicy greenery and decoration. Mini - 12 roses, 5 bush roses, decoration, bow. Midi - 16 roses, 8 bush roses, decoration, bow. Max..




bouquet of marshmallows   Mini - 10 multi-colored gypsophila, decoration, bow. Midi - 20 multi-colored gypsophila, decoration, bow. Maxi - 30 multi-colored gypsophila, decoration, bow...




Orchids in a box and chamelacium. Mini  - 7 cymbidium orchid buds, eucalyptus greenery, box, decoration Midi - 11 cymbidium orchid buds, eucalyptus greenery, box, decoration Maxi- 15 cymbidi..

White roses


White roses


Bouquet of white roses. Bright, clean, fresh white roses are the perfect gift for a romantic girl. Step into a world of pure elegance and grace with our exquisite bouquet of white roses! Symbo..

Showing 1 to 17 of 17 (1 Pages)