Send roses Minsk

There is only one flower that can express love, passion, joy - this is the rose. Red roses are a symbol of love, white roses are a symbol of purity, pink roses are loved by all girls. No matter what color or size you give a bouquet of roses or a composition, this is a vivid expression of your feelings, a beautiful way to show the recipient your interest.
Send bouquets of roses, roses in a box, 101 roses with delivery in Minsk.

Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)
Bouquet 101 roses Bouquet 101 roses


Bouquet 101 roses



Bouquet 101 roses is a bright and extraordinary gift that speaks volumes about your love. Prepare to make an unforgettable statement with our breathtaking bouquet of 101 roses! Exuding opulence a..

Bouquet of red roses Bouquet of red roses

Bouquet of red roses




Bouquet of red roses. Discover timeless romance with our bouquet of red roses from Each rose, handpicked for its rich color and velvety petals, exudes passion and elegance. This ..

Bouquet of roses bush

Bouquet of roses bush


Bouquet of roses bush *There are 30 flowers in the bouquet in the photo. Discover the enchanting allure of spray roses with our captivating bouquet! Delicate and abundant, each spray rose blooms..

Bouquet of roses mix

Bouquet of roses mix


Bouquet of roses mix Standard - 20 roses, decoration, bow Experience the vibrant spectrum of emotions with our stunning bouquet of multi-colored roses. Each bloom is a celebration of div..

Bouquet Passion

Bouquet Passion


This bouquet consists of red roses and exotic alstroemeria. Mini - 11 roses, 5 alstroemeria, decoration, bow. Midi - 17 roses, 9 alstroemeria, decoration, bow. Maxi (as in the photo) - ..

Bouquet Red

Bouquet Red


This bouquet consists of red roses, exotic alstroemeria. Mini - 12 roses, 7 alstroemerias, decoration, bow. Midi - 20 roses, 10 alstroemerias, decoration, bow. Maxi - 30 roses, 15 alstroemer..

Bunny and roses

Bunny and roses


Gift set: bunny and a box of roses Mini: bunny 30 cm (12 in) + box with 15 roses Maxi: bunny 50 cm (19 in) + box with 25 roses (As pictured) Spread love and joy with our delightful set fea..





heart of roses   Mini - 22 cm heart. Midi - 30 cm heart. Maxi - 40 cm heart. Super - 55 cm heart. A bouquet of red roses is the brightest and most memorable bouquet. He will ..

Heart for beloved


Heart for beloved


Heart for beloved. Sizes: Mini -  22 cm heart and toy. Midi - 30 cm heart and toy. Maxi - 40 cm heart and toy. Super - 55 cm heart and toy. A beautiful heart made of ro..

Marmalade clouds

Marmalade clouds


This bouquet consists of bright roses, fragrant bush roses, juicy greenery and decoration. Mini - 12 roses, 5 bush roses, decoration, bow. Midi - 16 roses, 8 bush roses, decoration, bow. Max..

My sweet My sweet

My sweet


Heart of roses and Rafaello. Dimensions: Mini - 80 gr Raffaello + roses, 22 cm heart. Midi - 150 gr Raffaello + roses, 30 cm heart. Maxi - 190 gr Raffaello + roses, 40 cm heart. E..

Roses in a basket

Roses in a basket


Roses in a basket *There are 30 flowers in the bouquet in the photo. Embrace the timeless elegance of roses in a basket. Each delicate bloom exudes beauty and charm, creating a captivating display..

Roses in a box


Roses in a box


Roses in a box. Discover the epitome of luxury with our exquisite roses in a box. Each pristine bloom nestled in a stylish container exudes elegance and romance, making it the perfect gift for an..

Sweet roses Sweet roses


Sweet roses


Sweet roses Wood box of roses and Rafaello. Compound: 15 roses, 15 Raffaello chocolates, wooden box, decoration This charming gift set comes in a rustic wooden box, blending elegance and sweetne..

White roses


White roses


Bouquet of white roses. Bright, clean, fresh white roses are the perfect gift for a romantic girl. Step into a world of pure elegance and grace with our exquisite bouquet of white roses! Symbo..

Bouquet 101 roses in a box


Bouquet 101 roses in a box


Bouquet 101 roses in a box Imagine a treasure chest overflowing with 101 delicate velvet-red roses, each petal whispering tales of love and admiration. Nestled in a sleek box, their fragrance dan..

Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)