Bouquet Love You


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Bouquet «Love You»
This bouquet consists of pink roses, bright daisies, spray roses, sunny gerbera and exotic alstroemerias.

  • Mini - 10 roses, 5 alstroemerias, 5 gerberas, 5 spray roses, 5 spray daisies, decoration, bow.
  • Midi - 20 roses, 10 alstroemerias, 10 gerberas, 10 spray roses, 10 spray daisies, decoration, bow.
  • Maxi - 30 roses, 15 alstroemerias, 15 gerberas, 15 spray roses, 15 spray daisies, decoration, bow.

Experience the harmonious symphony of nature's finest blooms with our stunning bouquet featuring roses, alstroemerias, gerberas, and spray roses! Each flower brings its unique charm, creating a masterpiece of color and texture. From the classic elegance of roses to the vibrant energy of gerberas, every stem is carefully selected to convey warmth, joy, and affection. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or a simple gesture of appreciation, this exquisite bouquet from is sure to brighten anyone's day. Order now and let this vibrant arrangement spread smiles and happiness!

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