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Showing 1 to 30 of 35 (2 Pages)
Alstroemeria in the basket


Alstroemeria in the basket


Alstroemeria in the basket *There are 20 flowers in the bouquet on photo. Bright tropical alstroemeria in a basket will be an unforgettable gift for your loved one. Embrace the enchanting all..

Basket of seasonal flowers


Basket of seasonal flowers


Basket of seasonal flowers * In the photo there is a basket of seasonal flowers 40 cm. Original basket of seasonal flowers. Keeps a good look for a long time. No vase needed. Embrace the beau..

Big Bear


Big Bear


Bear Midi - 32 inch (80 cm) Maxi - 40 inch (100 cm) Big - 51 inch (130 cm) Super big - 59 inch (150 cm)..

Bouquet 101 roses Bouquet 101 roses


Bouquet 101 roses



Bouquet 101 roses is a bright and extraordinary gift that speaks volumes about your love. Prepare to make an unforgettable statement with our breathtaking bouquet of 101 roses! Exuding opulence a..

Bouquet Bright Day


Bouquet Bright Day



Bouquet Bright Day Delight in the charm of our bouquet featuring both single and spray roses. Each single rose stands in stately elegance, while clusters of spray roses add a whimsical touc..

Bouquet Love You


Bouquet Love You


Bouquet «Love You» This bouquet consists of pink roses, bright daisies, spray roses, sunny gerbera and exotic alstroemerias. Mini - 10 roses, 5 alstroemerias, 5 gerberas, 5 spray ro..

Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria


Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria


Bouquet of sunny alstroemeria Please select the number of flowers in the options. Indulge in the delicate beauty of alstroemerias with our enchanting bouquet! Each stem boasts vibrant hues and i..

Bouquet Summer


Bouquet Summer


Bouquet Summer Bouquet of daisies, exotic alstroemeria and fresh roses Mini - 5 roses, 5 alstroemeria, 5 daisies, decoration, bow. Midi - 10 roses, 10 alstroemeria, 10 daisies, decoration, bo..

Champagne and sweets


Champagne and sweets



Gift set Champagne and sweets midi - local champagne, Ferrero Rocher 200 g, coffee 95 g, seasonal fruits, chocolate candies 100 g, decoration, wooden box maxi - champagne Spain or Italy, Ferre..

Champagne, Raffaello and toy


Champagne, Raffaello and toy


Champagne, Raffaello and toy midi - Locally produced champagne, Raffaello 150 g, toy 20 cm, decoration, wooden box maxi - Champagne Italy or Germany, Raffaello 150 g, Merci 250 g, toy 25 cm, d..

Daisies in a basket


Daisies in a basket


*In the photo daisies in a basket of 30 cm. Embrace the simple beauty of daisies in a basket. Each delicate bloom radiates joy and innocence, creating a charming display that brightens any space. P..

Ferrero Rocher heart


Ferrero Rocher heart


Ferrero Rocher heart Composition: maxi - heart made of wood 40 cm, Ferrero Rocher  super - heart made of wood 55 cm, Ferrero Rocher  Embrace sweetness with our exquisite ..

Flowers and bear


Flowers and bear


Flowers and bear *In the photo flowers and bear of 30 cm...

Flowers and toy


Flowers and toy


Flowers and toy Nestled within a rustic wooden box, vibrant flowers bloom in a riot of colors, their delicate petals contrasting beautifully with the smooth, polished wood. Amidst this floral dis..

Gift set Admiration


Gift set Admiration


Gift set Admiration Composition: Raffaello 15 pcs, roses 15 pcs Experience the epitome of elegance with our exclusive gift set featuring luxurious roses and delectable Raffaello chocolates! Perf..

Gift set delight


Gift set delight


Compound: marshmallows in chocolate 3 pcs, chocolate bar 5 pcs, Raffaello box 150 gr, cookies, chocolate sweets 200 gr, juice in a glass bottle, toy bunny or teddy bear 25 cm, decoration, basket ..

Gift set of tea, coffee and sweets.


Gift set of tea, coffee and sweets.



Gift set of tea, coffee and sweets. Ingredients: Midi - ground coffee in an iron can 250 g, instant coffee 95 g, cookies in a pack of 2 types, marmalade, chocolate 200 g, tea bags, loose leaf..

Gift set roses and vine


Gift set roses and vine


Gift set roses and vine mini - vine and bouquet 3 roses, raffaello midi - vine and bouquet 11 roses, raffaello (as in the photo) maxi - vine and bouquet 19 roses, raffaello Toast to lov..





A bouquet of happiness does not need a vase Diameter 25 cm A beautiful bouquet that embodies the summer freshness and beauty of nature...





heart of roses   Mini - 22 cm heart. Midi - 30 cm heart. Maxi - 40 cm heart. Super - 55 cm heart. A bouquet of red roses is the brightest and most memorable bouquet. He will ..

Heart for beloved


Heart for beloved


Heart for beloved. Sizes: Mini -  22 cm heart and toy. Midi - 30 cm heart and toy. Maxi - 40 cm heart and toy. Super - 55 cm heart and toy. A beautiful heart made of ro..

My sweet


My sweet


My sweet composition: rafaello 150 gr, ferrero rocher 200 gr, roses 14, kinder surprise 4, wooden box Unveil the epitome of sophistication and sweetness with our exclusive gift set nestled in a ..





Belgian pralines, 195 g..

Roses in a box


Roses in a box


Roses in a box. Discover the epitome of luxury with our exquisite roses in a box. Each pristine bloom nestled in a stylish container exudes elegance and romance, making it the perfect gift for an..

Sweet life basket


Sweet life basket


Sweet life basket Compound: 10 buenos, 5 kinder surprises, nutella 100 gr, rafaello 150 gr - 2 pcs, kinder chocolate 2 pcs, decoration, wooden box Discover the charm of our wooden gift box fill..

Sweet roses


Sweet roses


Sweet roses Wood box of roses and Rafaello. Compound: 15 roses, 15 Raffaello chocolates, wooden box, decoration..

Vitamin set


Vitamin set


Vitamin set composition: fruit 5 kg, ferrero rocher 200 gr., decorations, wooden box Experience the perfect harmony of nature's bounty and indulgent treats with our exquisite gift set in a r..

White roses


White roses


Bouquet of white roses. Bright, clean, fresh white roses are the perfect gift for a romantic girl. Step into a world of pure elegance and grace with our exquisite bouquet of white roses! Symbo..

Box with rainbow gypsophila


Box with rainbow gypsophila


Box with rainbow gypsophila Mini: box 25 cm (10 in)  (As pictured) Maxi: box 35 cm (14 in)  Super: box 45 cm (18 in)  Dive into a spectrum of joy wi..

Gift set for the holiday


Gift set for the holiday


Gift set for the holiday Ingredients: Hennessy cognac 0.5 l, John Walker black label whiskey 0.7 l, premium olives, premium olives, Ferrero Rocher 200 g, chocolate 200 g, lemon, toy 20 cm, decorati..

Showing 1 to 30 of 35 (2 Pages)